Our Story

It all began with a struggle . . .

Lian Delos Reyes, Milksta founder and resident Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, never thought that breastfeeding her next baby would be so hard! Afterall, it was a breeze when she nursed her eldest child.

But for her second baby, the Philippine-born Canadian resident had to be prescribed domperidone tablets to get her milk flowing. These pills gave Lian the most intense headache she had ever experienced, which, compounded by painful stitches, uber sensitive boobs, a colicky baby, and lack of sleep, made postpartum recovery a torturous hell.

She tried every store-bought lactation aid and galactagogues, latched ‘til her nipples bled, and still, her milk wasn’t enough, obliging her to give infant formula as her milk did not come in until the 5th day postpartum. A month and a half later, her son was diagnosed with lip and tongue ties, which made breastfeeding & milk production tougher in his earlier days.

Vacationing in her home country, her mom — who happened to be a nutritionist — gave Lian lactation formulation, herbal remedies, and lots and lots of dishes prepared with moringa. This medley of solutions inspired Lian to infuse moringa and other galactagogues in her favorite beverage, coffee, to help her with her milk production.

Moringa, aka "miracle tree," is a common backyard plant and vegetable in her country. It’s used in almost everything edible; dishes, pastries, and drinks. A healthy & traditional galactagogue, moringa helped in boosting her milk supply so much that she was even able to donate bags of her liquid gold to other mommas and babies in need.

Refusing to accept that nursing mothers should go through withdrawal-like symptoms when deprived of their favorite brews, Lian started creating variations of moringa-infused beverages that would allow mommas to satisfy their coffee cravings, and at the same time, improve their milk supply production. In 2019, when she finally concocted a flavorful blend she felt she could drink every day, Milksta Boobie Latte was born.

Reaching out to suppliers and funded by her personal savings and “loans” from her husband, she managed to sell off her initial inventory within a month. Today, Milksta is a trusted global superbrand for mommas who need support in achieving their milky moo-ma goals through our innovative, plant-based lactogenic beverages.